

Met de gebruiksvoorwaarden willen we u een inzicht geven hoe onze website werkt. We willen u ook duidelijk maken dat we niet verantwoordelijk zijn voor de informatie op deze website. Wij doen er echter alles aan om zo'n hoog mogelijke kwaliteit aan te bieden!


Pexels License

All photos and videos on Pexels can be downloaded and used for free. Visit pexels.com for more details about the license.

What is allowed?

  • All photos and videos on Pexels are free to use.
  • Attribution is not required. Giving credit to the photographer or Pexels is not necessary but always appreciated.
  • You can modify the photos and videos from Pexels. Be creative and edit them as you like

What is not allowed?

  • Identifiable people may not appear in a bad light or in a way that is offensive.
  • Don't sell unaltered copies of a photo or video, e.g. as a poster, print or on a physical product without modifying it first.
  • Don't imply endorsement of your product by people or brands on the imagery.
  • Don't redistribute or sell the photos and videos on other stock photo or wallpaper platforms.