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Thundurus can shoot thunderbolts from its tail. It uses these lightning bolts to annihilate foes into nothingness. It is known to be disliked and feared by people and farmers for its destructive rampages which include fierce thunderstorms. It tends to cause forest fires whenever it flies around shooting lightning. Thundurus's lightning bolts can enrich the soil of any ground it hits. Any area visited by Thundurus is marked by charred remains of areas it destroyed. Thundurus also gets into violent crashes with Tornadus whenever the two meet since the beginning of time. Thundurus can move so fast it can materialize without warning. Thundurus can unleash mini thunderstorms along with surrounding itself with a cloud shield to protect itself from harm. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Reshiram is a white, bipedal Pokémon with draconic, avian, and mammalian traits. A long, voluminous wispy mane streams out from the upper side of the snout and outwards from its head. The top of this mane is adorned with two protrusions, which resemble ears. Reshiram's face is fringed with spiky features, and it has a small, pointed extension below the chin. Its eyes have blue irises and black pupils. There are two pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Zekrom is a black, bipedal Pokémon resembling a dragon or dinosaur, with dark patches on various portions of its body. It has red sclerae, white irises, and black pupils, as well as a small horn-like protrusion on the tip of its snout. Its head sports a thundercloud-like crest tipped with light-blue coloration. There are six pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, two in the upper jaw and four in the lower. At the base of its neck is a black, stud-like feature, and atop its shoulders are similar, larger features resembling armor padding. The bases of its wings also have such padding, and a fanned, splayed, seemingly webbed shape with a small 'wing-spike' on one edge. The lower lengths of Zekrom's arms extenuate into splayed, seemingly webbed, somewhat baseball-mitt-like formations, with three-clawed, dark-colored hands on the undersides. The front portion of Zekrom's waist is black-colored, with its belly and thighs having thin striations down their length. Its knees are black, as are the foremost parts of its three-clawed feet and spiked heels. When its emotions surge, it enters Overdrive mode and its tail lights up with a blue light. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Landorus is considered the 'Guardian of the Fields', due to helping crops grow. In Hisui, it had the title of god of fields due to it bringing life to the region along with Enamorus. Its tail causes the soil to gain nutrition. The energy from the tail is created by combining lightning and wind. Landorus seems to live above the skies. Sometimes it stops on the Abundant Shrine in the Unova region or the Hisui region, but only when Tornadus and Thundurus are in the same place. Landorus can also stop and calm the two Forces of Nature whenever the two crash or cause destruction, thus being referred to by the grateful people as 'Great Landorus'. It is also known as the god of fields for bringing bountiful harvests in Therian Forme whenever it appears, usually after stopping Tornadus and Thundurus. It can travel through an entire region such as Hisui in just a few hours. Landorus can unleash mini sandy whirlwinds along with surrounding itself with a cloud shield to protect itself from harm. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kyurem is a gray and blue, bipedal Pokémon of indefinable but seemingly draconic basis. Kyurem has a blue head and snout and has yellow eyes without pupils, has a pair of pointed light bluish horns on its head, and a yellow crest on its skull. Three pointed teeth jut out the bottom of either side of its jaws, which are frozen shut by the ice covering its head. Its long, gray neck has lines running around its whole body, legs, arms, and tail. It has two arms, each with its own claw, and each arm is jointed together from its oddly shaped blue wings, which are believed to be used for flying and storing cold air. Each wing has two spikes of ice. The ice covering the wings can break, revealing gray tendril-like appendages on Kyurem's back. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Keldeo is a quadrupedal, colt-like Pokémon with a cream-colored body. It has a short, rounded snout with large nostrils and blue eyes. It has a large, feathery red mane, long, dark blue, ridged eyebrow-like protrusions, and a single cream-colored horn that curves slightly. The back of its head, as well as its neck, is covered with fluffy, light blue fur. Keldeo has blue hooves, which are capable of ejecting water. Its tail is light blue with white spots and resembles an elaborate feather in a cap. Keldeo is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Secret Sword. Upon learning this move, Keldeo transforms into its Resolute Form. The dark blue protrusions become shorter and lighter in color, resembling ears. Its horn becomes dark blue and grows larger and ridged. On the side of its head are three feathers colored aqua blue, green, and orange. It is thought that when Keldeo becomes resolute, its body fills with power and it becomes swifter. The horn on its forehead is filled with hidden power. The horn can change into a sword that can cut through anything. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Meloetta is a Pokémon that has a femininely anthropomorphic figure with musical bar-style streaks in its hair, quarter notes (crotchets) (♩) for its arms and hands and pupil-less eyes resembling whole notes (semibreves). It has a jewel on its forehead and a black headpiece that seems to be shaped like a treble clef which doubles as an attached microphone such as one often used by singers. Its ovular head seems to be ⅓ its body's height and about half its height in width. In its Aria Forme, Meloetta has light blue eyes and flowing, wavy hair with light-blue ovals that resemble whole notes. In its Pirouette Forme, it has auburn hair that seems to be stylized in a high bun and red eyes. In either Forme, its midriff and eyes match its hair. It is a gender-unknown species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Genesect is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a metal body and a saucer-shaped head. It is primarily purple with several gray markings. It has two large red eyes and a small white part that could be either its mouth or a vent. It has thin arms with overlapping segments. Each arm ends with a single, pointed claw from which it can spin a sticky string to create structures. There is a gray circle on each shoulder and a gray band around its abdomen. Its segmented legs each end with a large, upward-curving claw. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Chespin is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is primarily light brown with darker arms and three triangular markings around its face. It has oval, brown eyes; a triangular, red nose; and rodent-like incisors. Its arms have three fingers, while its feet have two long claws. Covering its back is a tough, green shell, which extends from its head to halfway down its tail. The tip of its tapered tail is orange. There is a small, off-center hole in the shell on the back of Chespin's head and, around the face, the shell has four leaf-like spikes. On the back of its head is another spike split into three parts. Chespin's shell can protect it from powerful attacks. The quills on its head are usually soft but can be stiffened for attacking as well. Despite having a curious nature that tends to get it in trouble, Chespin keeps an optimistic outlook and does not worry about small details. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Quilladin is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon with some plantlike features. Most of its body is covered by a green, armor-like shell similar to a chestnut. The shell covers everything except its face, lower body and legs, and the undersides of its arms. The visible parts of its body are dark brown, except for its lighter face. The face has dark, oval eyes, a small, pink nose on a pointed snout, a dark brown, sideways triangle on each cheek, rodent-like incisors, and a three-pointed patch of dark brown fur on its forehead. On either side of its head is a large, ear-like spike with reddish tips. Its tail also has a reddish tip. Its shell is banded over its arms and on its back, and the fur on its lower body creates a three-pointed pattern on its front. Quilladin has three white, clawed digits on its hands and two on its feet. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Chesnaught is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon with some plantlike features. There is fluffy white fur on its belly and fringing its face like a beard. It has a small, pink nose with a three-pointed patch of brown fur extending up its short snout, and four pointed teeth. On top of its head is a plate of beige armor, similar to a helmet. It possesses a prominent domed, armor-like shell similar to that of a chestnut. The armor is beige with four large spines jutting out of the back. The armor is trimmed with red and green bands; the green is on the outermost edge. There is an additional spine protruding from the armor over each of Chesnaught's shoulders, which are connected by a green breastplate. Its body is colored similarly to the shell, and its long limbs and tail are banded with plates of armor. The top surfaces of the tail and arms are protected by green armor, and each arm has two small spines. It has three brown, clawed digits on its hands and feet. Its hands can fuse together to create a spike-covered 'shield'. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Fennekin is a small, quadrupedal fox-like Pokémon. It is covered in pale yellow fur that is longer on its haunches. It has a white muzzle with longer fur on its cheeks, large, dark orange eyes, and a pointed, black nose. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in its upper jaw. Tufts of dark orange fur cover the interior of its large ears. Fennekin also has small paws with no visible toes and slim legs. Its tail is fluffy with a dark orange tip. Hot air is vented from Fennekin's ears, reaching temperatures of over 390 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius). It uses this ability to intimidate opponents. Fennekin chews on twigs, which fill it with energy. It can be temperamental, but it tries to do its best for its Trainer. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Braixen is a bipedal, fox-like Pokémon. While the majority of its fur is yellow, it has black legs, white arms and face, and a dark orange tail tip. The fur on its cheeks is longer, and a small mane of white fur covers its shoulders and chest. Long, wavy tufts of dark orange fur grow out of its large ears, and its eyes and small nose match this fur in color. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in its upper jaw. Above its legs, the fur sweeps out to either side, resembling a skirt or shorts. Each paw has three small digits. Braixen always keeps a stick in its tail, which it sets alight using friction from its bushy tail fur. The flame from the lit twig is used for both attack and communication. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Delphox is a bipedal, fox-like Pokémon. It is covered in a coat of long fur that resembles a robe. This 'robe' is primarily dark red with red-orange, flame-like markings near its knees. There is also a thin tuft of white fur on its torso, which is flanked by yellow fur draping down from its shoulders. Its forearms feature long red fur resembling sleeves, and its hands and feet are dark gray with three clawed fingers and toes, respectively. A tail covered in yellow fur protrudes from its 'robe'. Its head is yellow with longer white fur on its cheeks. It has red eyes and a slender snout with a pinkish nose. Three tufts of red-orange fur protrude out of each ear. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Froakie is a quadrupedal, frog-like Pokémon. It has light-blue skin, white hands, and a dark blue stripe from the center of its oval head to its nose. It has three fingers and two toes on its hands and feet. Its eyes, which have yellow sclerae, black irises, and white pupils, protrude vertically from its head due to their size. Froakie produces a large mane of bubbles from its chest and back and has two small bubbles on its nose. The delicate yet flexible bubbles, called Frubbles (Japanese: ケロムース Keromousse), reduce the damage Froakie takes from attacks. Despite its carefree attitude, it is vigilant of its surroundings. Froakie is both light and strong, making it capable of jumping incredibly high. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Frogadier is a light-blue, bipedal, frog-like Pokémon. A dark blue marking covers its head and forms a three-pointed mark down its upper back. Its eyes have yellow sclerae, black irises, and white pupils. Its eyes protrude slightly from the top of its head and each has a backward-facing spike above it. It has a white bubble scarf, dark blue hands and circular toes, and white circular fingers. Frogadier is a nimble and swift Pokémon; it can scale a tower exceeding 2,000 feet (600 meters) in one minute. It can also throw bubble-coated pebbles at targets up to 100 feet (30 meters) away. It can confound opponents by leaping about ceilings or into trees. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Greninja is a bipedal, frog-like Pokémon. It is mostly dark blue with a yellow chest, a white triangular marking over each eye, a light blue four-pointed star on each thigh, and yellow on the lower half of its face. It has red eyes with white pupils and its mouth is hidden behind a large, pink tongue that wraps around its neck and extends outward behind its head. Running down the middle of its head is a fin-like extension, and there is a similar fin on each side of its head. Light blue webbing connects its head fins. There is a large, white bubble-like bump on each elbow and knee. Its back feet have two toes, while its front feet have three toes. Each digit has a bulbous tip and yellow webbing. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bunnelby is a small, gray, rabbit-like Pokémon. The tips of its large ears are dark brown and have three finger-like sections each. It has black eyes, a small pink nose, prominent round cheeks, two tiny whiskers on each cheek, and large upper incisors. Its neck is surrounded by a ruff of stiff, brown fur. There are small brown spots on its hind legs and it has brown toes. It also has a fluffy gray tail. Bunnelby's hand-like ears are strong enough to shovel dirt and chop tree roots. It can dig a nest up to 33 feet in just one night. Bunnelby is very sensitive when it comes to danger. Corviknight is a natural predator of Bunnelby. Should it hear Corviknight's flapping, it will quickly dig a hole to hide underground. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Diggersby is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles a large, portly gray rabbit. Its most notable feature is its two ears, which resemble muscular forearms, complete with three-fingered paws. The ears are mostly gray with pink interiors, whereas the paws at the tips are brown. There are three brown spots above each ear-paw. A pointed protrusion in the middle resembles an elbow. These ears are as powerful as an excavator, being strong enough to lift objects weighing over a ton and reduce dense bedrock to rubble, and prove to be an invaluable asset in Diggersby's digging. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Fletchling is a small, avian Pokémon similar in appearance to a robin. It has a reddish-orange head with a triangular yellow mark on the back of each eye. Its body and wings are gray, and there are white tips on the wings. It has a long, black tail with a white V-shaped marking near the tip. The tail ends in two points and has two feathers sticking out at the base, resembling the fletching on the end of an arrow. Its legs, small beak, and eyes are black. The legs are thin and spindly, with two toes facing forward and one facing backward on each foot. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Fletchinder is an avian Pokémon with predominantly orange and black plumage. It has a sharp, black beak, black eyes with yellow, mask-like markings behind them, and a small, pointed crest on the back of its head. Its upper side is reddish-orange and its belly is gray. There is a flame pattern on its breast where the two colors meet. The tips and undersides of its pointed, black wings are yellow. Its legs are also black with sharp talons and two toes facing forward and one back. Two white, V-shaped markings are located near the tip of its long black tail-feathers. Its tail ends in two points and has another feather sticking out of the base on each side, resembling the fletching on the end of an arrow. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Talonflame is an avian Pokémon that closely resembles a falcon. Red-orange plumage covers its head, wings, and most of its chest and back before tapering off into a flame pattern. Its underside and hindquarters are gray and the tips of its long, pointed wings are black. Orange spots speckle its underside. Large yellow talons extend from the shaggy feathers on its legs. Talonflame has a pointed crest atop its head and black-and-yellow mask-like markings around its eyes. Its black beak is hooked with a yellow cere. It also has long black tailfeathers marked with three yellow V-shapes. The tail ends in two points and has another feather sticking out of the base on each side, resembling of the fletching on the end of an arrow. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Scatterbug is a black larval Pokémon with a relatively large head. Its head is bisected by a line that runs from the forehead to the mouth. It has large beige eyes with square black pupils, a single pointed tooth that pokes out of its mouth, and three white hairs on top of its head. Scatterbug has a three-segmented body with a pair of nubby, beige legs on each segment. A white ruff of fur encircles its neck, and there is a large beige spot on its rear. Scatterbug eats various types of plants, including poisonous leaves and roots. The poison it ingests is processed and turned into a black powder that it scatters all over its body. This powder causes paralysis on contact, and allows Scatterbug to deter bird Pokémon from attacking. The powder also regulates its temperature, allowing it to adapt to any climate. Grafaiai is a natural predator of Scatterbug. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Spewpa is small, cocoon-like Pokémon mostly hidden by fluffy white fur with square particles of red, black, and pale yellow in and around the fur. Poking out of the top of its fur is its large, round head. The head is light gray in the back with a darker gray face. There is a beige dot over each eye and the face is bisected by a thin, black line that ends in a beige triangle at the top of the head. Its eyes are also beige with square, black pupils. In order to defend itself from predators such as Rufflet, Spewpa will bristle its fur or spray a poisonous black powder. Spewpa is a nomadic Pokémon, travelling across fields and mountains while building up energy for it to evolve. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Vivillon is a butterfly-like Pokémon with wings that come in a large variety of patterns. It has a round, grayish head with large, black, pixelated eyes and a pair of skinny antennae. The tips of the antennae each have an ovoid scale that is dark gray on the upper half and beige on the lower half. Vivillon's thorax is an ovoid and divided into three segments; each segment is a different shade of gray. Its legs are also ovoid and are dark gray on the lower half, beige on the upper half, and have a black band in the middle. It has two black, circular hands and no visible arms. While Vivillon's wings come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, they always have black edges and pixelated markings. Its wings' pattern is affected by the climate and topography of the environment it lives and is born in. It can spread its scales to poison its opponents during battle; or, as shown in the anime, to calm an opponent's fighting spirit. It is highly capable of finding sources of water, such as springs. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Litleo is a quadrupedal, leonine Pokémon. It is mostly dark brown with pale brown paws, ears, tail tip, and face. It has a short, rounded muzzle with a reddish-orange nose, round ears with darker interiors, and circular, black eyes with white pupils. There is a reddish-orange tuft of mane between its ears. Each of its paws has three toes and dark brown paw pads. The tail ends in a pointed, teardrop shape. Litleo is a hot-blooded Pokémon that is curious by nature and is quick to start fights. In battle, its short mane radiates heat. The stronger its opponent, the more heat it produces. Litleo live in prides, where they are raised and taught to hunt by female Pyroar. When a wild Litleo is capable of hunting on its own, it is kicked out of the pride and begins to live alone. In Generation VI, Noble Roar was its signature move. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pyroar is a quadrupedal, leonine Pokémon. It is mostly dark brown with light brown legs, tail tip, chest, and face. It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, round ears with dark brown interiors, bright blue eyes, and a dark brown stripe behind each eye. The fur around its thighs is longer and each paw has three toes. There is a tuft of longer fur on the tip of its tail. A male Pyroar has a large, predominantly red mane with gold streaks forming a pattern resembling the Daimonji symbol (大) and the symbol for fire (火). In contrast, a female has a long, gold and red crest-like mane extending from its forehead. Female Pyroar significantly outnumber their male counterparts. The female's mane is as long as its whole body, and the light brown on its front legs extends all the way to its shoulders. The light brown fur on the male's front legs only extends up to its elbows. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Flabébé is a small Pokémon with a white upper half and a green lower half. It has beady eyes, a pink blush mark on each cheek, long, notched ears, and a small, pointed nose. On top of its head are several spheres of pollen that form a crown. It has stubby arms and a tail, but no visible legs. Flabébé is a female-only species with no male counterpart. It is one of the shortest and lightest Pokémon in existence. Flabébé is usually seen holding the yellow stigma of a flower, called a “Fairy Flower” in the anime. The flower has three stamens and rounded petals that can be red, yellow, orange, blue, or white. It also has a short green stem with three small leaves. Its crown is made from the flower's pollen, which has healing properties. Flabébé can control and draw power out of the flower but is unsafe without it. However, it will continue searching until it finds a flower that it likes. Once it does, Flabébé will spend the rest of its life taking care of flower. The anime has shown that if one of the petals on a Flabébé's flower falls off, it will be unable to float around. According to Professor Oak's Pokémon Holo Caster and Gurkinn in A Festival Reunion!, the White Flower Flabébé is rare and difficult to find. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Floette is a small Pokémon with a white upper body and a deep-green lower body. Its eyes are black with a green, leaf-like extension over each similar to eyelashes. It has long, notched ears with a yellow ring around the base of each. Its tail is spade-shaped, and it has thin arms with mitten-like hands. It has two thin black lines on its head. It is a female-only species with no male counterpart. Floette also holds a flower with five rounded petals that can be red, yellow, orange, blue, or white. The flower has three yellow stamens and a long green stem with a single leaf. A more gorgeous flower contains more power for Floette. Floette cannot use moves without flowers. Floette can restore withered flowers of little power into becoming healthy. It flutters around and cares for withered flowers by giving its own power to them. If the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom, Floette celebrates with an elegant dance. However, it will never forgive anyone who tramples a flowerbed. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Florges is a slender Pokémon with a white upper body and a green lower body. Its head is rounded with a pointed, upturned nose; long, teardrop-shaped ears; and dark eyes with lengthy, green, plantlike lashes. Surrounding its head is an ornate bouquet of flowers that can be red, yellow, orange, blue, or white. It has slender arms with three tiny fingers and two black diamond-shapes on its chest. Its lower body resembles a mermaid's tail with two large leaves sprouting above the tailfin. It is a female-only species with no male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Skiddo is a quadrupedal, goat-like Pokémon covered with shaggy, dark brown fur. It has a white face with a brown blaze down the middle, a round black nose, black eyes, a short beard, and small rounded ears. On top of its head are a pair of pointed black horns extending out to the sides. It has a white stocking on each leg and cloven, orange hooves. There is a leafy green mane around its neck that extends along its back. The mane ends at its tail, which is made up of three short leaves. Skiddo can perform photosynthesis with the leaves on its back, which means that it does not need to eat so long as it has sunshine and water. It has a docile nature and is thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live alongside humans, who ride on it to travel across mountains. As seen in the anime, milk from Skiddo can be used to make dairy products. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Gogoat is a quadrupedal, hooved Pokémon similar to a goat. The fur on its face is white with fluffier fur on the chin and the back of its head is dark brown. It has a black nose, red eyes encircled by black markings, a brown blaze down the middle of its face, and rounded ears. On top of its head is a pair of curving black horns that extend over its back. It is covered in shaggy, brown fur that is darker across the back and lighter around the belly and legs. Around its neck is a thick, green leafy mane that extends down its back and ends in a short, bushy tail. The fur on its legs is shorter than the rest of its body; it is dark brown on the upper leg and white around the feet. Each foot ends in a cloven, brownish-orange hoof. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pancham is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon that resembles a young panda. Its head and short, puffy tail are white. It has a triangular black nose, rounded black ears, black circles around its eyes, and tufts of fur on top of its head and on each cheek. Its upper body and hind feet are black, while the lower body is a dark gray. Where the two colors meet the dark gray forms a three-pointed pattern on its chest. There are three digits on each paw and small, dark brown circular pads on the soles of its black hind paws. Pancham carries a small, green leaf in its mouth. There is no actual purpose behind this leaf, aside from an attempt to look cool. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pangoro is a large bipedal Pokémon resembling a humanoid panda bear. It has a stocky build with a round belly, short legs, and long arms with large paws. Its head and belly are covered in thick white fur, while its lower body, chest, arms, and back are covered in equally thick dark gray fur. A long cape of this dark gray fur hangs down behind its back; in combination with the rest of the dark-furred pattern, this gives the impression that Pangoro is wearing a long coat and trousers. Pangoro's three-fingered paws have shorter, darker fur and are tipped with black claws. It has a blunt snout with a triangular black nose, rounded black ears, prominent fangs in its lower jaw, and black semicircles under its brow that make its eyes indistinguishable. Pangoro likes to carry a thin-stemmed shoot with two leaves in its mouth. This small bamboo shoot is used to sense the movements of those around it. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Furfrou is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with thick, white fur that covers its black body apart from its paws and face. The fur is thicker and fluffier around its head and tail. It has round, red eyes with blue eyelids, a pointed snout with a round, light blue nose, and long rectangular ears. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. Furfrou is commonly seen with its fur trimmed and dyed into various styles. However, only those it trusts are allowed to cut its fur. In the past, aristocrats would even compete over who could trim its fur into the most exquisite style. Cutting its fur increases the swiftness of its movements. It used to guard the king in the ancient times of Kalos and is known to be loyal to its Trainer. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Espurr is a bipedal, feline Pokémon. Its fur is a pale gray with white tips on its ears and white paws. There are tousled tufts of fur on its head, cheeks, shoulders, chest, and hips. It has wide, pale purple eyes with darker purple pupils, a tiny nose, and a small mouth. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw. Its tail is fluffy and slightly curled. Espurr's ears are quite large in proportion to its body and folded. Beneath its ears are two ring-shaped yellow organs. These organs emit Espurr's intense psychic powers. It has no control over its power, and it would leak out if the ears were not sheltering the organs. It has enough psychic energy to create a blast radius of 300 feet (90 meters). This psychic energy can send even a wrestler flying. While its blank expression barely changes, beneath it is an intense struggle, trying so hard to control its psychic powers. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Meowstic is a bipedal, feline Pokémon whose appearance differs drastically between genders. Both genders have two tails, folded ears, a small collar of fur around the neck, and a tuft of fur on top of the head. On the inner surface of the tips of the ears, they have an eye-like organ with a ring at its centre. The eye-like organs hidden under the fold of Meowstic's ears emit psychic energy powerful enough to obliterate a 10-ton truck or tanker into dust. It usually keeps its ears folded at all times in order to keep this power in check, but it will unleash this power if threatened. Male Meowstic have a strong defensive instinct as they are willing to use their full power to protect themselves or their partners. Female Meowstic are known to be more selfish and aversive than their male counterparts. Should the female Meowstic not get what it wants, it will torment anyone with its psychic abilities. Part of a female Meowstic's charm is its unfriendly nature. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Honedge is a Pokémon that resembles a sword from medieval times. Its body is a silver sword with a light gray hilt. Embedded in the hilt is a blue gem with a dark center that appears to be its eye. The blue eye is said to be the true form of Honedge. Attached to the pommel is a long, dark blue cloth with a swirl design in lighter blue at the tip; the tip of the sash splits into four tassels. The sash is known to suck the life energy out of anyone who dares to grab it by the hilt. Honedge's sheath is dark brown with curved lines resembling a triquetra across its surface. Near the top of the sheath are two rings and a hole that in conjunction with the shape of Honedge's blade create the illusion of a face, with eyes and a mouth. A third ring extends onto the hilt and encircles its actual eye. Honedge is said to have been born from a person's soul after they were killed by the sword that it resides in. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Doublade is a Pokémon composed of two swords. Each sword has a silver blade and a light gray hilt. Embedded in each hilt is a single, pink gem with a dark center that appears to be an eye. Attached to each pummel is a long, dark purple sash with a pink swirl pattern on the tip; the tip of the sashes split into four tassels. Doublade has two sheathes that are attached to a plaque. The sheathes are varying shades of brown with lines forming a triquetra pattern across the front. Near the top of each sheath are white teeth-like markings and rings with white centers that resemble eyes. A third ring extends onto the hilt and encircles the actual eye. The swords are able to communicate telepathically, and they use this ability to carry out complex attacks that are unstoppable even by those skilled at swordplay. When rubbing its two blades together, Doublade can emit a metallic sound that is unnerving to the opponents. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Aegislash is a Pokémon whose body resembles a golden sword. The edge of the steel blade is white and somewhat serrated near the tip. Where the blade meets the hilt is a single, purple eye with a white slit pupil surrounded by black space. The handle forms a thick, striated spike. Two cloth-like arms emerge from the sides of the hilt. Each arm is primarily black and transitions to a pale purple with a slight swirl pattern at the tip. The sash-like arms split into four tassels at the tips. It always carries an ornate shield in at least one of its arms. The shield is gold and has three brown rings surrounded by black in the middle. It also has a brown rim with three lines radiating toward the center. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



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@Unknown - Oct 04

Quick n easy test. Thanks.

@Unknown - Oct 02

I received a 300$ ticket because I passed a police control of other cars/drivers on the right lane of a highway (the control was on the hard shoulder of the highway). Is it really true, that you have to change the lane in such cases? Thanks!

@Unknown - Oct 01

I am an American living in Italy. The Italian Drivers License theory test is the hardest test I have ever studied for and I am in my 70s have multiple degrees, multiple professional certifications. Have to take the Italian Drivers Theory test in Italian. No english. So many rules. More signs in small medieval Italian town I live in then in major US cities I have lived in. No Italian license no driving. No buying or renting a car. Test here was good, clean. Lots of tricky questions on many practice and real official tests. Thanks

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30

Good SK

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30


@Unknown - Sep 24


@Unknown - Sep 22


@Unknown - Sep 10

Damn that's good

@Unknown - Sep 05


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Aug 21

i love this do like this game

@Unknown - Aug 15

Can I Drive now ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 2
@Unknown - Aug 07

Okay thank

@Unknown - Aug 04

thanks very much

@Unknown - Aug 01


@Unknown - Aug 01

Does someone also get a server error when opening the exam?

@Unknown - Jul 24

thank you

@Unknown - Jul 21

Nicht so gut

@Unknown - Jul 03

Most problems are a result of higher than safe driving speeds. Please just slow down and be patient.

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 121: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

1 -2
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 83: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

@Unknown - Jun 26


@Unknown - Jun 23

Its good for foreigners and thanks

@Unknown - Jun 23


1 0
@Unknown - Jun 21


@Unknown - Jun 11


@Unknown - Jun 09

Hi this Farooq Ashraf from Abu Dhabi

@Unknown - May 31

Want even more practice? Visit similar websites offering realistic practice driving knowledge tests. Visit us to see what sets our tests apart! https://dkttest.com/capital-territory/

@Unknown - May 30

Cool tool! And fun to check whether I remember the rules :) Two things I noticed: Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right. While technically that might be the correct translation, this sign tells you, that you are on the main road and have the right of way for the next crossroad and only the next crossroad. Usually (if no sign specifies otherwise) you have to give way to drivers coming from the right at every intersection, which can get a bit annoying in communal areas, so seeing this sign feels less like a warning and more like relief :). A Fahrradstraße is not a lane for cyclists but a street for cyclists, meaning the (whole!) street is intended predominantly for cyclists, who are then allowed to ride next to each other. Cars are allowed to drive there (unless another sign prohibits such), but have to adjust their speed to the cyclists. I believe they are not allowed to pass at all, even if the oncoming lane is empty.

@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - May 11

Soon I will drive there, training needed

2 0
@Unknown - May 11

Good work

@Unknown - May 08


@Unknown - May 06

Thank you...

@Unknown - May 03

No shot! New dog breed?

1 1
@Unknown - May 03

if u need help visit this website https://traffic-rules.com/en/france/comments

@Unknown - May 02

l bozo i hatw u u r bannes from doing this alsoimjealusudontknowany1

@Unknown - May 02

do u mew?

4 -1
@Unknown - May 02

this website is a simpy website i love this its fat and im in my mums basement rn help sui u r a mothr fker

@Unknown - May 02

Hi i am such fat fan of this great gaming website. Im so hangry for the cause mate! Liking the simps eating on yall tho nott gonna lie to ya!

@Unknown - May 01

Im from nepal and how can i get my truck driving licence in romania

1 -4
@Unknown - May 01

The system is now changed and they use some type of tablet for the exam now. Do anyone have the questions which they ask in the tablet because the questions are different. I still didn’t pass my provisional driving knowledge test. It would be great if someone could help

@Unknown - Apr 30

Really helpfull

@Unknown - Apr 25

Very helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really really helpful. thanks

@Unknown - Apr 24


@Unknown - Apr 22

Very helpful. Will done

