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Steenee is a bipedal, plantlike Pokémon with a humanoid appearance. Its torso and legs are dark purple, while its hips, arms, and head are all white. It has dark purple eyes with purple, triangular markings over them similar to stylized eyelashes. On top of its head is a large, light green calyx. The calyx has short leaves on the front and back, two large leaves out to the sides similar to pigtails, and a short stem on the top. The right leaf has two yellowish-green spots on it. The upper part of its torso has short ruffles at the top similar to a dress. Its wide hips are made up of six segments and resemble the flesh of a mangosteen. Its slender arms have slightly rounded hands with no visible digits, and its legs have pointed tips. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Tsareena is a bipedal, plantlike Pokémon with a humanoid appearance. Its torso, arms, and legs are dark purple, while its hips and head are white. It has heavy-lidded, dark purple eyes with purple eyelids and long purple eyelashes, but has no visible mouth or nose. The lower part of its face is hidden behind a short ruff extending up from its body. While its arms are slender with rounded, digit-less hands, its legs are long and powerful. The upper portions of its legs have three pointed projections just before the hips, creating the impression of long boots. The lower portions of its legs taper into small, pointed feet. It has wide hips made up of six segments that resemble the flesh of a mangosteen. It is a female-only species with no male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Comfey is a small, light green Pokémon with several flowers surrounding it. Its main body has an orange face with oval, light green eyes. On top of its head is a long, fluffy green crest that curls slightly over its face and extends backwards. A thin blue thread is attached to the back of its head and has several flowers attached to it. The flowers are white, purple, red, and yellow. Comfey usually holds the last flower in its two short arms. On either side of the main crest is a smaller, pale yellow tuft. Comfey is one of the shortest Pokémon in existence. This Pokémon stretches sticky vines from its head to pick flowers to create the ring around itself and will give these rings to those it likes. The flowers can also be thrown at enemy Pokémon to create an opening to either flee or attack. However, it feels uneasy without flowers. Comfey spreads oil from its body along its flower ring. The oil changes the flowers so they emit a soothing fragrance that affects both Comfey and its allies. This aroma can also help with the treatment of people and Pokémon at hospitals. Each Comfey wears different flowers, which give off its own unique scent and never wither. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Oranguru is a simian Pokémon resembling an orangutan. While most of its body is covered in white fur, its hands, feet, and snout are bare with its light gray skin visible. The fur around its head and under its chin is longer and creates the impression of a long beard. It has a broad, flat nose and a black area around its eyes. Underneath each eye is a yellow ring marking, which is encircled by a light blue ring marking. In the center of its forehead is a yellow marking shaped like a four-pointed star. A cape of purple fur covers its back and is divided into many wavy clumps with strands of orange and light blue throughout. The purple fur grows longer as it ages. Oranguru holds a fan created from green leaves woven together with its own purple fur. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Passimian is a black-and-white Pokémon resembling a powerfully built lemur with broad shoulders. Most of its fur is white, but it has a black muzzle, upper body, hands, feet and ankles, and tail. However, there is a wavy white ring near the tip of its tail. The fur around Passimian's head and face is longer and forms many small clumps, especially around the top of its head and under its chin. On top of its head is a pale green helmet similar to half of a coconut shell. The helmet has a small orange blaze on the front and two leaves that stand up straight attached to the back. Its eyes are partially hidden by its headwear, but its yellow sclerae and reddish-orange irises are visible. It is often seen carrying a large berry that resembles a green coconut. There are several leaves stuck on its body with saliva. The shoulders and chest all have one vertical and one horizontal leaf. While most Passimian have green leaves, the anime has shown that there is a red leaf variant on Akala Island that has one additional horizontal leaf in each area. The leaves' color and position are decided by the leader of a troop and aid in distinguishing one troop from another. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Wimpod is a small, arthropod Pokémon. Its main body is purple and is covered by silver plating across its back. There are four plates in total. The first plate covers half of its head but leaves room for its eyes. The upper lids of its eyes appear to be covered with additional plating. The three plates on its back overlap and each one has a single black triangle in the middle. It has a long spike on each side of its head that curves backward, large yellow eyes with two short extensions over them like eyelashes, and two flat antennae that extend over its back. There are eight short legs on its underside, and it has a long, prickly tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Golisopod is a large, arthropod Pokémon with a hunched, humanoid posture. It has a pale purple body covered with silver armor plating. It has a relatively small head with bright purple antennae that converge with its mandibles to form a mask around its eyes. The eyes themselves are black and angular with light gray pupils. Behind its head and curving down its back are several armor plates, each with a long protrusion curving up from each side. There is a small, greenish triangle marking on the center of each plate. Most of its lower body is exposed, but there is additional armor resembling a loincloth around its waist and smooth pieces encasing its thighs and feet. Its feet each have a single black claw. Golisopod has three pairs of arms. The two foremost pairs are thinner, encased in a silver exoskeleton, and each is tipped with a single, black claw. The hindmost pair of arms is longer and has much larger forearms. These large forearms both have three overlapping, armored plates on the back and two black claws. The plate closest to its claws is plain, while the last two each have two greenish, triangular markings. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Sandygast is a Pokémon formed from sand. It is mostly a mound of whitish sand dotted with gray pebbles. A tunnel through its center acts as a mouth, and a small depression above that has two pebbles for eyes. A red shovel with a white handle is stuck blade first into the top of its head. On either side of its main body is a smaller mound reminiscent of a stubby arm. Sandygast is known to inhabit beaches, and is born from grudges that seep into the sand, such as from Pokémon that suffer defeat in battle or the deceased. It can suck the life force of people or Pokémon through its mouth. Apparently, in the Alola region, sticking a hand into Sandygast's mouth is a way of proving one's courage. A person who grabs Sandygast's shovel or puts a hand in its mouth falls under its control. Sandygast uses this power to make children add sand to its body so it can become bigger. Sandygast cares a lot about the shovel on its head. A Sandygast that loses its shovel may replace it with something like a branch or a flag, but it is said to keep searching for its lost shovel. Sandygast attacks prey by flinging sand into their eyes; however, because Sandygast is very slow, its prey tend to escape before it can approach them. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Palossand is a Pokémon resembling a yellowish sand castle with gray pebbles along the base. It has a square main castle for its body, two round towers for arms, and the top of another round tower with a conical point rising up from the body. A tunnel through the center of the main body creates a mouth. There is a line of five alternating blue and pink seashells over the top of its mouth, and a similar ring of seashells surrounds the central tower just below the point. The central tower has six windows: three located in the front, one on each side, and one in the back. The two outermost windows in front of the central tower have tiny pebbles in them and appear to act as eyes. The two side towers have crenellations along the top with a ring of windows underneath. Palossand's main body has crenellations around the central tower. In the peak of its tower is a red shovel stuck handle-first into the top. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pyukumuku is a marine Pokémon with an ovoid, black body. Its face has two beady, pink eyes and a white mouth shaped roughly like a star or Daimonji. This Pokémon is capable of spitting its organs out through its mouth. The white organs can take different shapes, such as a fist. Two lines of three pink spikes run down each side of its back. The middle spike of each line is about twice as long as the others are. A fluffy white puff forms its tail. Pyukumuku tends to find a spot it likes and stay there, even returning to the same spot if moved. Once all the food in its favorite spot has been consumed, it will continue to stay there to the point of starvation. Its body is coated with a viscous fluid that allows it to stay on land for a week without drying out. This fluid is also beneficial to people as a moisturizer. If stepped on, it will expel its fist-like organs and smack the perpetrator. It particularly hates having its mouth or spikes touched. Tourists dislike Pyukumuku due to its appearance and lifestyle and often accidentally step on Pyukumuku. This creates a need for part-time jobs on beaches chucking this Pokémon back into the sea. However, people in Alola have already taken to throwing the Pokémon back to the sea where it can find food when thin. Pyukumuku is shown to have a symbiotic relationship with Pelipper, which carries it after scooping it from the water. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Type: Null

Type: Null is a quadrupedal, chimeric Pokémon with traits from a variety of creatures. Its head is enclosed in a brown helmet with green markings, designed to suppress its power to stable levels. The helmet has a large jaw piece that wraps around the front with large, round hinges on the side. Each hinge is covered by a green X-shaped marking. Small gray eyes can be seen from within rectangular black holes on the front, and there are two pointed ears on the top. Around the base is a collar with four protruding vanes that are tipped with a three-way spike. This collar has a thin green line between the vanes, and each vane has a green hexagon near the end. An axe-like blade with a band around the middle extends backward from the top of the helmet. The front tip of the blade has a small, silver spike that hooks downward. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Silvally is a quadrupedal, chimeric Pokémon with traits from a variety of creatures with a appearance nearly identical to it’s pre evolution Type: Null. It has a mammalian head with mechanical parts. Covering most of its head and neck is a thick, silver mane that extends down over its chest. Its blunt snout is metallic on the bridge of its nose and upper jaw. Silvally has a triangular black nose framed by three red lines, pointed ears with bright pink and black insides, one visible fang on each side of its lower jaw, and a slight overbite. Its eyes are bright silver, have no visible pupils, and appear to be surrounded by an empty, black space. On each side of its head is a circular, metallic drive, with a white circle crossed by a metal line. On top of its head is a large, axe-like fur or feather crest. The tip of the crest as a hooked, metallic piece, while the back has three white feathers. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Minior is a spherical Pokémon with two forms: one form with a rocky outer coating and the other with its core exposed. When it sheds its rocky coating, its Core Form is both the lightest Rock-type and Flying-type Pokémon. Both of its forms tie with Carbink and Dwebble as the shortest Rock-type. In its Meteor Form, Minior resembles a modestly sized rock. Its rocky exterior is formed by four large plates separated by two large cracks. The cracks encircle its body both horizontally and vertically. Five white spikes extend just above the rocky surface, giving it a star-shape. Two large, black spots on its front resemble eyes, and there is a third spot in the center of its back. Rings of dark brown triangles surround the holes its spikes protrude from and the spot on its back, pointing outward. One of the triangles surrounding the spot on its back is replaced with a small, brown dot. The eyespots have a half-ring of triangles resembling eyelashes. One eye has a small, brown dot in the corner. Even while apparently at rest, Minior tends to spin slowly in place. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Komala is a gray Pokémon similar to a koala. It has large, rounded ears with light orange fur on the inside. Its large, ovoid black nose extends up between its fluffy white eyebrows, and there are additional white puffs of fur on each cheek. There is a small ruff of longer, gray fur around its neck. Each hand is black with five short fingers, and it has three black claws and a black paw pad on each foot. Its underbelly is white, as is its short fluffy tail. Komala is usually seen holding a short wooden log, which it is given at birth. The log is typically a light brown with darker, oval markings all over it. The ends of the log are tan with the growth rings visible. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Turtonator is a bipedal, turtle-like Pokémon with a spiny shell. Its skin is a muted green and only visible on its limbs, tail, head, and neck. On top of its head is an additional shell with many points around the brim. This extra shell has a black center, yellow in the middle, and a red outer rim. Its eyes have black markings around the bottom, and it has a tubular, yellow snout with a single, large nostril. Turtonator has a wide mouth with the lower lip marked by a jagged yellow line extending from its nose. On each side of Turtonator's long neck are two short, triangular projections. Its front legs have mitten-like hands, while its hind feet have claw-like red growths around them. Most of its tail is also covered by red plating, which has fin-like projections. The shell that encases its body has a red underside with a star-shaped, yellow-rimmed hole in the center. The back of the shell has a yellow center with several spikes: four large spikes with red bases form a star shape in the center with four smaller spikes around them. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Togedemaru is a spherical, rodent-like Pokémon. Most of its front is white, while its back is primarily gray. It has black eyes, a short pointed snout with a black nose, rounded ears, and a circular, yellow marking on each cheek. Scattered across its back are 14 fur spikes that appear as yellow and brown triangular markings. When attacking, surprised, or agitated these spikes will stand straight up. There is a tail-like needle on the back of its head. The needle is gray with a yellow tip and is shaped like a lightning bolt. Additionally, it has stubby arms and legs. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Mimikyu is a small Pokémon whose body is almost entirely hidden under an old rag. Its small size makes it one of, if not the shortest Ghost-type. Its beady black eyes are visible through holes in the body of its disguise, and the fringe of an amorphous foot or lower body is visible under the hem. Occasionally, it will also extend a black appendage from under its rag. The veil itself resembles a Pikachu. The cloth is yellow with black-tipped ears. The Pikachu face appears to be drawn with crayons, consisting of black eyes, red cheeks, and a squiggly black mouth. The head is hollow and can be used to store objects. Mimikyu also carries a small stick resembling a lightning bolt to create a tail for its costume. When its disguise is damaged, the costume's head droops limply backward, revealing Mimikyu's ruse. Larger rips in the costume are accompanied by shadowy vapors pouring out from whatever is hidden within. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bruxish is a fishlike Pokémon with a thick skin covered in colorful scales and fins. The front of its body is light blue with large, dark purple lips and a mouth full of sharp teeth. The upper half of its body is mostly light purple, while the lower half is mostly yellow. The purple portion of its body is dotted with light blue spots. The yellow underside extends up around its eyes, which are light purple with light blue pupils. Its eyelids are dark purple with long, light blue eyelashes. Its fins are all dark purple, light blue, or a combination of the two colors: the pectoral fins are mostly dark purple with a short line blue line along the bottom, the dorsal fin is light blue, the ventral fin is dark purple, and the tail fin is dark purple with a light blue, heart-shaped marking in the middle. On top of its head is a protuberance with a dark purple bulb at the tip. The bulb is able to open like a flower, which reveals a light blue orb in the center. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Drampa is a serpentine Pokémon similar to a Chinese dragon. Most of its skin is bluish-green, but the lower half of its face and the underside of its neck is a pale green. There are three spots on each of its sides that are also light green. It has pink eyes with rounded, yellow eyebrows, short whiskers resembling a mustache, floppy ears, and a small, white beard with a circular extension. On top of its head is a mop of white hair split into four rounded sections: two draped down either side of its head. Fluffy white fur drapes the lower half of its body and conceals its arms when they are tucked against its chest. When its arms are spread, two short claws are revealed on each hand. It has a bushy white tail with a small, curved spike at the base. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Dhelmise is a Pokémon made up of an anchor and ship's wheel, held together by a mass of green seaweed. The anchor is a rusty brown mottled with blackish spots. The seaweed, which is Dhelmise's true body, partially envelops the thick, curved bottom of the anchor in a zigzag fashion, leaving empty spaces that look like sharp teeth. The seaweed continues upward to cover the anchor's thin shank and the spindle of the wheel. Five individual strands of seaweed trail off this small hub is a star-shape. The ship's wheel is lavender on the outside with a yellow inner rim. It is affixed to the back of the spindle by its center and able to rotate freely. The noticeably damaged wheel features six spokes and four handles, all of which are yellow. There are two lavender stubs where the other handles should be. A simple compass, resembling an eye, is set into a yellow ring-shaped component on one side of the wheel; mirroring this is an identical ring on the opposite side, though nothing is set into it. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Jangmo-o is a small, quadrupedal Pokémon similar to a dinosaur. The lower half of its body is black, while the upper half is light gray. It has a beak-like snout with a small, tooth-like spike in each corner of its lower jaw and big, red eyes. On the front of its head is a large, heart-shaped yellow scale. A small tuft similar to ears or small feathers extends from the back of its head on either side, and there is another small, white tuft on its chest. Six teardrop-shaped, loose-hanging scales form a half ring around its shoulders. These scales are gray with pale yellow along the outside edge. A solid yellow scale of the same shape is on the tip of its tail. Each of its feet has three yellow claws. While Jangmo-o trains diligently and remains humble, it has the pride of a warrior. It employs the scale on its forehead for both attack and defense, so it never shows its back to its foe. Many Trainers take this behavior as proof of this Pokémon's valiant nature. Jangmo-o lives and trains with others of its kind in harsh areas that are far away from other Pokémon and people. The scales on its body make a metallic sound when struck and are used to express emotion, communicate with others of its kind, and intimidate opponents. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Hakamo-o is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with many scaly plates. Most of its body is light gray, but it has dark gray arms and legs. It has angular, red eyes, a rounded, beak-like snout with a small spike on either side of the upper jaw similar to teeth, and two small scales standing up on either side of its head. Down the center of its chest is a line of three slightly raised scales, and there is a matching line of four scales down its back. Several slightly raised gray scales overlap its shoulders. In between its shoulders and on each side of its head is a small, white crest made of feathers. It has three yellow claws on each appendage and a long, tapering tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kommo-o is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon covered in scaly armor. Most of its body is gray with some lighter gray areas as well as yellow and red markings. It has a rounded, beak-ish snout and small eyes nearly hidden under its head armor. On the tip of its snout is a patch of pale gray and both the upper and lower jaws have a small, tooth-like spike on each side. The top of its head is covered by an elaborate arrangement of scales. At the front of the headdress is an oval scale, which is yellow with a red heart-shape at the base. On either side of the front scale is a chain of four circular scales; the first three scales are red with yellow trim and the last scale is solid yellow. Three additional chains of plain yellow scales extend from the back of the headdress. Running down the front of its long neck is a line of overlapping scales: one solid gray at the top, three larger gray ones with yellow rims, and one solid yellow scale at the bottom. A thick yellow stripe with a rounded projection in the center runs across its chest. Covering its shoulders are tufts of spiky, white feathers with small, gray scales overlapping them. Four overlapping scales cover the tops of its arms: three are gray with yellow edges and the scales that cover its hands are red with yellow edges. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Tapu Koko

Tapu Koko is a vaguely rooster-like Legendary Pokémon. Tapu Koko's head and torso are black with white markings on its chest, just above its eyes, and on top of its head. Extending from the top of its head is a large, orange plume with bristles along the back. There is a yellow marking covering the top bristle and half of the bristle below it. The bottom of this crest goes all the way to its neck, where it divides its face in half and creates a beak-like nose. It has small, blue eyes with yellow markings behind them. The lower half of its body is orange with four pointed projections: one short spine on the front and two short spines in the back, with one longer spine between them. These spines resemble a bird's tail feathers. Its thin arms have round, yellow structures encircling its shoulders. On each arm is a shell that appears to be half of a bird mask, and its hands end in two large claws to create a beak for the mask. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Tapu Lele

Tapu Lele is a vaguely butterfly-like Legendary Pokémon. Tapu Lele has a black upper body and head with a few small white markings. Its eyes are blue with a pink line through the middle of each iris. Below each eye is a curved white line and above each is a curved pink line separated into three segments. On its upper body is another, thicker curved white line. Its thin arms have digit-less hands and puffy pink bracelets on each wrist. On top of its head is a mass of dark pink, tentacle-like hair. Two longer strands of hair frame its face. Encasing its dark pink lower body and on top of its head is a shell resembling an insect. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Tapu Bulu

Tapu Bulu is a vaguely bull-like Legendary Pokémon. Tapu Bulu has a bulky, black body with thick arms and no legs. It has blue eyes with an orange line across each iris. Under each eye is a red line divided into three segments with a smaller, white line below that. There is a short white line above each eye. In the middle of its face is what appears to be a golden nose similar to a bull's snout. There a white ring through the nostrils of the nose. On each side of its face is a thick white line that curves upward at the outer tip. There are red rings around its shoulders and golden, cloven hooves at the end of its arms. Its tail is mostly covered in a golden bell with two thin black rings around the top and a wavy black line around the bottom. A tuft of fur is just visible inside the bell. On top of its head is a pair of curved, black horns. Each horn has a thick yellow marking near the tip and half of a wooden shell attached to it. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)

Tapu Fini

Tapu Fini is a vaguely swordfish-like Legendary Pokémon. Tapu Fini has a black body shaped similarly to a mermaid or fish. It has light blue eyes, white eyelids, and a light blue, fin-like marking around the outer corner of each eye. It has a white T-shaped marking on its forehead and a small, white V-shape on its chest. Around its shoulders are segmented purple rings and its long thin arms have webbed hands with three fingers. Each finger is tipped with a purple claw. On the front of its lower body is a light blue, fin-like projection with three spikes. It also has light blue fins on top of its head that resemble long, flowing hair. Tapu Fini's main body resides inside a violet shell that resembles a swordfish head when closed. The top half of the shell has a fin with light blue webbing on top and a thin, pointed spine on the front. On each side of the top shell are two C-shaped markings facing each other to form a rough circle. One marking is white and one is light blue, but both are outlined in black. These markings form the 'eye' of the swordfish. Along the edges of both shell halves are a series of white triangles with black outlines. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Cosmog is a small Pokémon with a gaseous body similar to a nebula. The gases that make up its body range in color from violet to light blue. The very center of its body is black both in front and back. The black space on the front contains its face, which consists of beady yellow eyes, circular blue cheeks, and a small mouth. The space on the back has only a single blue dot. There is a golden half-circlet on both the top and bottom half of its body, which divides it exactly in half. Two wispy extensions containing starry specks serve as its arms. Cosmog's gaseous body makes it one of the lightest Pokémon in existence. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Cosmoem is a Pokémon in the shape of a translucent, dark-blue orb with a starscape pattern set in a golden shell-like structure. The main portion of the shell is a flat oval around the center of the orb. Eight more flat, half-oval projections surround the orb in an asterisk-shape. At the center of the main body is a much smaller black core. The upper half of the core has a thin blue line on the front, back, and each side, while the lower has pink lines. On the front are two orange semicircles, which appear to be closed eyes. The overall shape of this Pokémon also resembles an eye. Encased in its sturdy, cocoon-like shell, Cosmoem is unable to move. In Pokémon Refresh, it cannot even eat. It grows as it absorbs starlight and the dust in the air. Its body is warm to the touch. Cosmoem's shell is said to be harder than any known material. In ancient times, it was worshipped as the 'cocoon of the stars' by the people of Alola. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Solgaleo is a large, white Pokémon resembling a lion. It has a blunt muzzle with a blue-gray nose and pale blue eyes. The top half of its face is a deep blue area that shows a constantly changing starscape. Four yellow spikes frame Solgaleo's head like a crown and two more pairs of spikes adorn either side of its lower jaw. Each spike separates large tufts of Solgaleo's mane. Solid ridges—red nearest Solgaleo's head and yellow farther away—poke out of each tuft along the middle, except on the tufts on its cheeks and chin, with the topmost part wrapping around the tip of the tuft. Overall, its mane creates the impression of a stylized sun. Around each leg is a dark orange band, and there is a black spot on each foot. It has three black toes on each foot with long yellow claws. At the tip of its tail is a large black spot with a thin yellow rim. When Solgaleo enters its Radiant Sun phase, its third eye appears on its forehead—a light blue symbol similar to a compass rose—and the starscape turns to streaks of light. The fur on its body glows a pale yellow and all other parts of its body except its nose turn bright yellow. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Lunala is a large Pokémon resembling a skeletal, legless bat. It has a short snout, dark pink eyes with white centers, and a deep blue area on its upper head that shows a constantly changing starscape. A rigid raised hood wraps around its head in a crescent shape and drapes around its neck as well. The outside of the hood is yellow, while the inner part that curves around Lunala's head is white with deep blue streaks. Its torso resembles a ribcage with a slightly curved spike on each shoulder and three spikes extending from the bottom toward its tail. Its massive wings resemble a bat's wings with the skeleton exposed, except that Lunala's wings have a total of seven 'finger bones': four running through each wing, one running along the edge to the outermost tip, and two pointing upwards that may act as claws that are more functional. The four 'bones' in Lunala's wings are only visible in segments. The skin of Lunala's wings is an iridescent deep blue and a light blue light source appears to glow from behind its ribcage. A large, pale yellow crescent connects the outermost tip of each wing to the next two inner tips, and the remaining two innermost tips are adorned by yellow, four-pointed stars. The bottom of Lunala's tail is also lined by a yellow crescent with a ridge running up the middle of the tail towards the ribcage. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Nihilego is an Ultra Beast that resembles a jellyfish. The bell is semi-translucent and encircled with several white, star-shaped markings. The wavy rim of the bell flares outward and is bright blue. Its tentacles appear gelatinous and give it a vaguely humanoid shape. Several tentacles mesh together forming the appearance of a cape or long hair, while four shorter tentacles resemble shorter hair and arms. Two long tentacles make up the legs of the human shape. In addition to its shape, it is sometimes seen acting like a young girl. According to its concept art, Nihilego's body is made of various types of glass. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Buzzwole is an Ultra Beast that resembles a large, anthropomorphic mosquito. Its head is small and flat with a black ridge up the center. It has two red compound eyes with two black, spherical basal joints for its red and black antennae between them. Protruding from under these joints is a long, silver proboscis. It has many bulging muscles that appear to be sacs full of a red fluid with small white bubbles inside. There are three sacs on each arm, two on each leg, two on its chest, and several on its shoulders and down its back. Around its waist are three rings of smaller sacs. The muscles on its chest and some on its arms and waist have thin, grayish lines resembling tendons running across them. It has large, five-fingered hands with red knuckles and four pointed legs. There are several black spikes on its body: a small one on each side of its head, two on each shoulder, one on each elbow, and one on each leg. The portions of its body between its muscles are dark red or black. On its back are two pairs of pale orange wings with slightly darker veins. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pheromosa is an Ultra Beast that resembles a feminine anthropomorphic cockroach. It is primarily white with a thin build. Its torso is composed of five thin discs that droop slightly downward. The widest disc makes up its shoulders, the second widest its hips, and the two smallest its chest and waist. There is a gold ovoid inside of the widest disc, where its long, thin neck protrudes from. Its arms and legs are also long and thin with gold joints. Its hands and feet are both composed of two golden claws. Pheromosa has a small, semi-flattened head with a yellow, crown-like structure on top. The two tallest points of the crown point to its long, thin antennae, which are white with small gold balls at the tips. Attached to the back of its head are two structures resembling insect wings. The wings are transparent, curve slightly inward, and reach nearly to the ground. It has narrow, purple eyes with bright blue pupils. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Xurkitree is a very tall Ultra Beast that resembles a vaguely humanoid mass of electrical wiring. Its 'head' is a white, brightly glowing electric spark with numerous points and no visible face. Below its head is a mass of black cables for its torso and limbs; there are white bands resembling zip ties throughout its body as well. Its arms have ties where its shoulders, elbows, and wrists would be. The upper arms have two cables, while the lower have three. At the ends of its arms are copper structures that resemble hands, each with six flat 'fingers'. The legs have ties at the hips, knees, and ankles and are composed of four cables fused together for the whole length. The feet have four toes possessing 'claws' of exposed copper; each foot has two fused toes pointing forward and two separate toes pointing backward. Finally, its tail has three ties and four cables, one of them loose in two sections. The tail ends in what resembles a three-pronged plug. It is the tallest Electric-type Pokémon. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Celesteela is a large, vaguely humanoid Ultra Beast with a bodily construction that resembles a cross between a space shuttle and a bamboo shoot. It has a small, white head with a tiny mouth and a skinny neck with three segments. On top of its head is a gray structure resembling a hat with long, flowing hair underneath. The hair reaches midway down its body and is rimmed with bright blue. The 'hat' has two small blue dots and four white spikes arranged in an X-shape. These spikes resemble decorative hair sticks. On the very top of its hat is a long gray horn similar to a drill bit. It has large, disembodied gray arms that resemble bamboo stalks. At the end of each arm is a ring of bright blue, fin-like projections and a collection of eight smaller, black bamboo shoots. Each smaller stalk has a bright blue ring with a small line extending back up the stalk. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kartana is a small Ultra Beast that resembles an origami human. It appears to be folded out of a sheet of paper which is white on one side and orange on the other. Its head is folded slightly inside its body and has a four-sided star in the center, but no discernible facial features. Its head opens and closes similar to a paper fortune teller and seems to function as both an eye and a mouth. On top of its head are two short antennae or horns that are wider at the top. It has long, thin arms that resemble katanas with a yellow, sheath-like structure around the upper area. The sheath connects to a red, slightly raised hexagon on its torso. Extending up and out from the base of each sheath are three yellow projections that are nearly as long as its arms. Its legs appear creased with areas of red visible along the edges. Kartana's light, thin build makes it one of the lightest Pokémon in existence. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Guzzlord is a massive, black Ultra Beast. Its main body is primarily spherical with a large, yellow mouth in the center. The top and bottom of the mouth are lined with two rows of teeth; the front row is yellow, while the rear row is black. In the second row of the upper jaw, two teeth curve out of the mouth similar to tusks. The inside of its mouth is a bright blue and its throat is lined with small spikes; its large black tongue is also lined with small spikes. Additional tongues resembling long arms with pincers protrude from its lower jaw even when its mouth is closed. Just above its mouth are two glowing, blue eyes with a yellow, diamond-shaped marking between them. Above each eye is a single, bat-like wing with yellow along the upper edge. There are other small bat-like wings down the sides of its body as well. On the underside of its body are three, fin-like projections that curve up towards its mouth. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Necrozma is a vaguely humanoid Pokémon whose body appears to be constructed out of a black crystalline material. The black color is a result of impurities building up within it as a result of its deep slumber. The large protrusion attached to its head is its tail, which has a row of three large spikes along the top and is white in the back with a dark gray symbol resembling a star in the center. Its face is actually a prism-like object known as the brain prism, which possesses a collection of multicolored shapes that resemble eyes. While absorbing light, this brain prism glows white. Its thin arms have disproportionately large hands with three claws. Jutting out of the back of each hand is a whitish crystal that darkens toward the tip, and each elbow has a hook-like spike. Two large spikes jut from each shoulder and there is a row of smaller spikes along each side of its body. Its feet have three hook-like toes each. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Magearna is a metallic, bipedal Pokémon that is made up primarily of spheres. Its head is a medium-sized sphere with a slight point in the back. Around Magearna's head is a gear with seven teeth, although the gear does not cover its chin. It has two large, rabbit-like ears with gold rims; a tiny nose and mouth; and light red eyes with pinkish ovals in the center. In the centers of the ovals are white crosses, and thin gold wiring encircles each eye with two small prongs similar to eyelashes. The rabbit-like ears appear to be two halves of a large disc held together by a hinge at the top. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



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@Unknown - Oct 04

Quick n easy test. Thanks.

@Unknown - Oct 02

I received a 300$ ticket because I passed a police control of other cars/drivers on the right lane of a highway (the control was on the hard shoulder of the highway). Is it really true, that you have to change the lane in such cases? Thanks!

@Unknown - Oct 01

I am an American living in Italy. The Italian Drivers License theory test is the hardest test I have ever studied for and I am in my 70s have multiple degrees, multiple professional certifications. Have to take the Italian Drivers Theory test in Italian. No english. So many rules. More signs in small medieval Italian town I live in then in major US cities I have lived in. No Italian license no driving. No buying or renting a car. Test here was good, clean. Lots of tricky questions on many practice and real official tests. Thanks

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30

Good SK

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30


@Unknown - Sep 24


@Unknown - Sep 22


@Unknown - Sep 10

Damn that's good

@Unknown - Sep 05


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Aug 21

i love this do like this game

@Unknown - Aug 15

Can I Drive now ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 2
@Unknown - Aug 07

Okay thank

@Unknown - Aug 04

thanks very much

@Unknown - Aug 01


@Unknown - Aug 01

Does someone also get a server error when opening the exam?

@Unknown - Jul 24

thank you

@Unknown - Jul 21

Nicht so gut

@Unknown - Jul 03

Most problems are a result of higher than safe driving speeds. Please just slow down and be patient.

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 121: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

1 -2
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 83: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

@Unknown - Jun 26


@Unknown - Jun 23

Its good for foreigners and thanks

@Unknown - Jun 23


1 0
@Unknown - Jun 21


@Unknown - Jun 11


@Unknown - Jun 09

Hi this Farooq Ashraf from Abu Dhabi

@Unknown - May 31

Want even more practice? Visit similar websites offering realistic practice driving knowledge tests. Visit us to see what sets our tests apart! https://dkttest.com/capital-territory/

@Unknown - May 30

Cool tool! And fun to check whether I remember the rules :) Two things I noticed: Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right. While technically that might be the correct translation, this sign tells you, that you are on the main road and have the right of way for the next crossroad and only the next crossroad. Usually (if no sign specifies otherwise) you have to give way to drivers coming from the right at every intersection, which can get a bit annoying in communal areas, so seeing this sign feels less like a warning and more like relief :). A Fahrradstraße is not a lane for cyclists but a street for cyclists, meaning the (whole!) street is intended predominantly for cyclists, who are then allowed to ride next to each other. Cars are allowed to drive there (unless another sign prohibits such), but have to adjust their speed to the cyclists. I believe they are not allowed to pass at all, even if the oncoming lane is empty.

@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - May 11

Soon I will drive there, training needed

2 0
@Unknown - May 11

Good work

@Unknown - May 08


@Unknown - May 06

Thank you...

@Unknown - May 03

No shot! New dog breed?

1 1
@Unknown - May 03

if u need help visit this website https://traffic-rules.com/en/france/comments

@Unknown - May 02

l bozo i hatw u u r bannes from doing this alsoimjealusudontknowany1

@Unknown - May 02

do u mew?

4 -1
@Unknown - May 02

this website is a simpy website i love this its fat and im in my mums basement rn help sui u r a mothr fker

@Unknown - May 02

Hi i am such fat fan of this great gaming website. Im so hangry for the cause mate! Liking the simps eating on yall tho nott gonna lie to ya!

@Unknown - May 01

Im from nepal and how can i get my truck driving licence in romania

1 -4
@Unknown - May 01

The system is now changed and they use some type of tablet for the exam now. Do anyone have the questions which they ask in the tablet because the questions are different. I still didn’t pass my provisional driving knowledge test. It would be great if someone could help

@Unknown - Apr 30

Really helpfull

@Unknown - Apr 25

Very helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really really helpful. thanks

@Unknown - Apr 24


@Unknown - Apr 22

Very helpful. Will done

