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Mr mime

Mr. Mime is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Blue growths resembling clown hair extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek. Its jaw is curved inward, resembling the mouth of a wooden dummy. It has a round, white body with a magenta spot in the middle, light pink arms and legs that connect to its body via magenta spheres, and small white coverings over its knees. Its white hands resemble gloves with magenta pads on the tips of its white fingers and its dark blue feet curl upward at the tips. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Scyther is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon. Its body is primarily green and has a thin, cream-colored section between its head, thorax, and abdomen. Female Scyther have larger abdomens than male Scyther. Its reptilian head has two narrow, triangular eyes and three blunt horns extending from its forehead. Its arms end in large, white scythes, which it uses for both hunting and fighting. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back. While these wings do allow Scyther to fly, it rarely does so. Scyther's thighs have large, upward-pointing spikes. Its feet are tall, rounded, and conical, almost extending to its thighs; each foot ends in three small, white claws on its front side. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Jynx is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon that resembles a woman. It has a purple face, pink lips, saucer-like eyes, and long blonde hair. It wears a red gown with two gold circlets on the chest. While the anime has shown it to possess feet, the 3D games show only blackness under the dress and it lacks a footprint. Despite this, it is able to learn the kicking move Triple Axel. It has white arms and five-fingered purple hands. Jynx is a female-only species with no male counterpart. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Electabuzz is a slightly humanoid Pokémon with a few feline traits. It has antennae with bulbous tips where its ears should be, two long tufts of fur on top of its head, small eyes, and two large fangs in its upper jaw. It is covered in yellow fur with many black stripes. There is a large, lightning bolt-shaped stripe on Electabuzz's chest, a V-shaped stripe on its forehead, one stripe on its side, a thick stripe down its back, two bands on each leg, several broken bands on each arm, and many rings around its long tail. There are three clawed toes on each of its feet, two in front and one in back, and five fingers on each hand. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Magmar is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with yellow flame designs along the bottom half. It has a puckered tan beak, small eyes, and two lumps on its forehead with a yellow flame on top of each one. Rigid, red scales cover its arms and it has five, clawed fingers on each hand. Magmar's shoulders and thighs are yellow, and its red feet have two, clawed toes each. It has black, metal shackles around its neck and ankles. Down its back is a row of red spikes, and there is a flame at the tip of its tapering, yellow tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Pinsir is a bipedal, coleopteran insectoid Pokémon with a wide, dull-brown body divided into segments by thin lines. On top of its head is a large pair of gray, spiky pincers on top of its head. In its mouth are many long, flat teeth arranged horizontally and it has triangular eyes. Capable of seeing color to some degree, Pinsir appears to be attracted to the color green. Its legs are short and thick, while its arms are long and thin. It has three claws on each hand and foot; two of its toes face forward and one backward. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Tauros is a quadrupedal, bovine Pokémon. It is covered in light brown fur with a thick, darker brown mane around the neck. It has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, small, triangular eyes, three gray bumps running vertically down its forehead, and a pair of curved, gray horns growing from atop its head. Each of its three black tails has a tuft of fur on the end, and there is a single gray hoof on each foot. Tauros is a male-only species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Magikarp is a piscine Pokémon with large, heavy reddish-orange scales. It has large, vacant eyes and pink lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white. On its back is a stiff, three-peaked yellow fin, resembling a crown; there is an identical fin on its underside. It also has long barbels. The barbels are white on a female and pale-yellow on a male. A long-lived Magikarp is able to utilize its immense splashing power to leap high enough to scale mountains. It also has a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters. However, it is usually overlooked by Trainers because of its perceived weakness: even in the heat of battle, it will do nothing but flop around. It is believed that the ancestors of Magikarp were actually much stronger than modern Magikarp, and this led scientists to research this species. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Gyarados is a piscine, draconic Pokémon with a long serpentine body covered in slightly overlapping scales. It is mostly blue with a yellow underbelly, and it has a row of yellow spots down each side. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four pointed teeth and yellow lips. It has one barbel and a small white fin on each side of its face. The barbels are white on a female and blue on a male. It has small, red eyes, a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head, and four white, spiky dorsal fins. Gyarados's tail fin is similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Lapras is a marine reptilian Pokémon that resembles a plesiosaur. It has a blue hide with darker blue spots and a cream-colored underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers. The foremost flippers are larger than the hind. On its back is a heavy, gray shell covered in blunt knobs. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


In its natural state, Ditto is a light-purple or pink blob-like Pokémon with vestigial facial features. It is often referred to as amorphous, but has a relatively consistent appearance in official artwork, including two small nubs on its 'head', a few soft lumps at its base, and two pseudopod-like protrusions in place of arms. The face consists of beady eyes and a simple mouth; almost always pulled into a smile. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Eevee is a small, mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon with primarily brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. Eevee has brown eyes, long pointed ears with dark brown interiors, and a small black nose. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Vaporeon is a Pokémon that shares physical traits with both aquatic and land animals. Vaporeon's body is light blue with a dark blue marking around its head and a spiky ridge down its spine. It has black eyes and a tiny black nose. There a white fin encircling its neck and three fins with cream-colored webbing on its head. Two of these fins are on either side of its head, similar to ears; and one is directly on top of its head, resembling a dorsal fin. Vaporeon is a quadruped with three small toes on each foot and dark blue paw pads on the hind feet. Its split tail fin has been mistaken for a mermaid's in the past, and is believed to be the origin of mermaid folklore. It can detect moisture with its fins, which vibrate when sensing incoming rain. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Jolteon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with a spiky fringe around its tail and a white ruff around its neck. Its ears are large and pointed with black interiors, and its eyes and small nose are black. It has slender legs and small paws, each with three toes and a pink paw-pad. Jolteon creates electricity using an organ in its lungs, which causes crackling noises as it exhales. It can also generate low-level electricity in its cells, which is amplified by the negative ions it gathers and generates in its fur, allowing it to discharge 10,000-volt lightning bolts. Jolteon's prickly fur is made of electrically charged needles, which create a sparking noise as it moves. It is capable of launching its fur at enemies when agitated or startled; the charge is so powerful that it can remain on the shed fur for a long time. This Pokémon is most often found in cities and towns under the ownership of Trainers. However, its high-strung nature and tendency toward mood swings can make it difficult to train. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Flareon is a mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon covered in short, reddish-orange fur. It has long ears with black interiors, dark eyes, and a small black nose. There are three small toes and a yellow paw pad on each foot. Fluffy yellow fur forms a small tuft on its head, as well as its bushy tail and a mane around its chest and neck. Flareon's body temperature is caused by its internal flame sac, and rises when it is excited. If its body gets too hot, it will fluff out the fur on its collar to cool down. Flareon stores and heats inhaled air in its flame sac, and then exhales it as fire with temperatures of around 3,100 °F (1,700 °C). Flareon's average body temperature is around 1,300-1,500 °F (700-800 °C), but it can reach 1,700 °F (900 °C). It is an omnivore that roasts either Berries or prey before consumption. Flareon has a curious personality, and is mostly found in populated areas, rarely seen in the wilderness. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Porygon is an artificial Pokémon made completely out of programming code. It has a pink, polyhedral head that ends in a blue beak and has hexagonal eyes, and it has a pink polyhedral body with a blue front, blue triangular prism feet, and a blue rectangular prism tail. In 3D games, such as Pokémon Stadium, it can open its beak and can detach its limbs and head from its torso. According to its Pokédex entries, it has copy protection built into its code, preventing duplication through electronic means. It was created in 1995 by Silph Co., however documents at Silph Co. claim it was created at the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island using the state-of-the-art technology of its time. Because it was created decades ago, many of its parts have since become obsolete. It was the first artificial Pokémon to have ever been created through computer programming. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Omanyte is a small extinct cephalopod mollusk Pokémon similar to an ammonite or nautilus. It has a sky blue body with ten tentacles and a pale yellow, helix-spiraled shell on its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where Omanyte's large saucer-like eyes protrude. If attacked or threatened, it quickly withdraws into its hard shell. Omanyte is considered extinct, although it can be revived from Fossils. Its fossils have been excavated in areas that were once oceans long ago. Omanyte regulated its buoyancy by storing and releasing air within its shell and controlled direction by twisting its tentacles. While Omanyte fed on plankton, it was preyed on by Archeops and Carracosta. Omantye can now be found in the wild due to being released by people or escaping after being restored to life, causing this species to become a problem. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Omastar is a cephalopod mollusk Pokémon similar to an ammonite or nautilus. Its sky blue body has several tentacles; the tentacles toward the front are shorter and thicker than those in the back. There is a pale yellow, helix spiraled shell on its back. Several sharp spikes line the shell's midsection from the front to about halfway down its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where Omastar's eyes are visible. Its eyes have yellow sclerae and vertically-slit pupils. It has an oval mouth with a four-sectioned, fang-like beak. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kabuto is a small arthropod Pokémon resembling a horseshoe crab. It is mostly flat with a protective, brown shell covering its body. There are two small, black eyes on top of its shell, which it uses for sight when it hides on the ocean floor. Underneath the shell is a black space that hides the structure of its main body. Only its four short, yellow legs and a second pair of luminescent red eyes are visible on its underside. In its original time, Kabuto was prominently found on beaches, likely aided by its fast and powerful swimming ability. While it is commonly believed to be extinct, isolated populations of Kabuto have been unchanged for 300 million years. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Kabutops is a bipedal prehistoric arthropod Pokémon with a skeletal build. It has a flat, half-circular head with a point on each side and two small eyes on the front. It is mostly brown, except for its light gray chest and abdomen. There is a ridge down its back with three flat spines on either side and it has a flat, pointed tail. Instead of hands, its forearms have large, sharp, gray scythes. Its thin legs are brown lead to small feet with two large gray claws. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Aerodactyl is a reptilian, bipedal prehistoric Pokémon that resembles a pterosaur with several draconic features. It has small sharply pointed ears, narrow dark green eyes, a ridged snout, a gaping mouth, and a strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light blue-gray skin and it has large, violet membranous wings. The clawed hands at the end of each wing allow it to grasp objects. There is a hump-like ridge with a spike on its back, and it has a strong tail with an arrow-shaped tip. Its talon-like feet have two toes in front and one in the back, and are capable of scooping up and tightly clutching its prey in flight. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Snorlax is a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green mammalian Pokémon with a cream-colored face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, as its limbs are comparatively small. Its head is large with small, pointed ears, and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has round feet, which both have three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and short arms with five claws on each hand. Snorlax's bulk makes it the heaviest Normal type. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Articuno is a large avian Pokémon with predominantly sky blue plumage and wings said to be made of ice. On its forehead is a crest that consists of three, darker blue rhombus-shaped feathers. It has circular red eyes, a short gray beak, and long, thin gray legs. Each foot has three forward-facing toes and one that faces backward. On its chest is a mass of pale blue, downy feathers. Its long, streamer-like tail is longer than its body and the same shade of blue as its crest. Articuno has the power to control ice at will. When Articuno flaps its wings, it can chill the moisture in the air around it, making snow fall. It flies from icy mountain to icy mountain. According to legend, it appears before doomed travelers lost in icy regions. As seen in the anime, Articuno sometimes aids travelers and guides them to safety. Articuno lives in cold, isolated locations such as snowy mountains filled with permafrost. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Zapdos is a large, avian Pokémon with predominantly yellow plumage. It has small, triangular eyes with black around them and a long, thin, light orange beak. Its wings and tail are a mass of spiky feathers and there are black feathers covering the back of its wings and inner tail feathers. A large crest of spiked feathers surrounds its head. Its thighs are tan, and it has thin, light orange legs. It has feet with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe; each toe has a short talon. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Moltres is a large, avian Pokémon with golden plumage. It has a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. Additionally, its wings are also shrouded in fiery plumage. It has a long, thin neck, a pointed, brown beak, and small, triangular eyes. Its thin, brown legs have feet that have three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe. It has short talons. Moltres sheds embers with every flap of its wings, creating a brilliant flash of flames. By dipping itself into the magma of an active volcano, this Pokémon can heal itself. It migrates from the south with the coming of spring, and is said to bring an early springtime to cold lands. There have been stories of Moltres using its wings to assist those lost in the mountains. Moltres is rarely seen. In Generation II, Sky Attack was its signature move. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Dratini is a reptilian Pokémon with a blue serpentine body and a white underside. It has white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a white bump on its forehead, which is its horn growing. Above its round, white snout are oval, purple eyes. Dratini's life energy is constantly building so it is always growing, and can reach lengths of over six feet (2 meters). As it grows, it sheds its skin regularly; it hides behind a rapid waterfall during the process to protect itself, since the new skin is soft in texture. The shed skin can be tanned and used to create luxury boots. Dratini has been referred as the 'Mirage Pokémon', because its existence was originally thought to be nothing more than a myth. Dratini was first discovered by a fisherman who spent 10 hours attempting to capture it. A small colony has also been found underwater, further confirming its existence. Dratini live near or in bodies of water with a rapid flow, such as the pools at the bottom of waterfalls. It lives a quiet life underwater, eating any food that sinks down to the bottom. In Generation II, Outrage was its signature move. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Dragonair is a long, serpentine reptilian Pokémon with sky blue scales and a white underside. It has a rounded snout, oval purple eyes, and a small, white horn on its forehead. On each side of its head is a small, stylized wing, which is white and curves into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs adorn its body: one on its neck and two on its tail. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Dragonite is a draconic, bipedal reptilian Pokémon with light orange skin. It has large, grayish-green eyes and a round snout with small nostrils. A pair of long, thin antennae sprout from the top of its head with a small horn set between them. Its striated underbelly is cream-colored and extends from its neck to the tip of its long, tapering tail. It has thick arms and legs ending in three claws each. The leg joints are well defined, while its arms have a smooth, rounded appearance. Dragonite's wings are small relative to its body with teal wing membranes. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Mewtwo is an artificial Pokémon. It is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with some feline features. It is primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of its head are two short, blunt horns, and it has purple eyes. A tube extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine, bypassing its neck. It has a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot have spherical tips. Its tail is thick at the base but thins before ending in a small bulb. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)


Bulbasaur is a small, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. It has red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws. On Bulbasaur's back is a green plant bulb, which is grown from a seed planted there at birth. The bulb also conceals two slender, tentacle-like vines and provides it with energy through photosynthesis as well as from the nutrient-rich seeds contained within. As mentioned in the anime, starter Pokémon are raised by Breeders to be distributed to new Trainers. Having been domesticated from birth, Bulbasaur is regarded as both a rare and well-behaved Pokémon. It is known to be extremely loyal, even after long-term abandonment. Bulbasaur in the anime have demonstrated a nurturing instinct towards younger, weaker Pokémon, one individual even using its vines to pick up a crying Pokémon, gently rocking it back and forth through the air while singing a 'Bulba-by'. (Source: Bulbagarden.net, CC BY-NC-SA)



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@Unknown - Oct 04

Quick n easy test. Thanks.

@Unknown - Oct 02

I received a 300$ ticket because I passed a police control of other cars/drivers on the right lane of a highway (the control was on the hard shoulder of the highway). Is it really true, that you have to change the lane in such cases? Thanks!

@Unknown - Oct 01

I am an American living in Italy. The Italian Drivers License theory test is the hardest test I have ever studied for and I am in my 70s have multiple degrees, multiple professional certifications. Have to take the Italian Drivers Theory test in Italian. No english. So many rules. More signs in small medieval Italian town I live in then in major US cities I have lived in. No Italian license no driving. No buying or renting a car. Test here was good, clean. Lots of tricky questions on many practice and real official tests. Thanks

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30

Good SK

1 0
@Unknown - Sep 30


@Unknown - Sep 24


@Unknown - Sep 22


@Unknown - Sep 10

Damn that's good

@Unknown - Sep 05


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Sep 03


@Unknown - Aug 21

i love this do like this game

@Unknown - Aug 15

Can I Drive now ?

1 0
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 2
@Unknown - Aug 07

Okay thank

@Unknown - Aug 04

thanks very much

@Unknown - Aug 01


@Unknown - Aug 01

Does someone also get a server error when opening the exam?

@Unknown - Jul 24

thank you

@Unknown - Jul 21

Nicht so gut

@Unknown - Jul 03

Most problems are a result of higher than safe driving speeds. Please just slow down and be patient.

1 0
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 121: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

1 -2
@Unknown - Jun 30

Question 83: Poor translation: Vehicles with polluted fluids prohibited Should be translated as: Vehicles with dangerous liquids prohibited

@Unknown - Jun 26


@Unknown - Jun 23

Its good for foreigners and thanks

@Unknown - Jun 23


1 0
@Unknown - Jun 21


@Unknown - Jun 11


@Unknown - Jun 09

Hi this Farooq Ashraf from Abu Dhabi

@Unknown - May 31

Want even more practice? Visit similar websites offering realistic practice driving knowledge tests. Visit us to see what sets our tests apart! https://dkttest.com/capital-territory/

@Unknown - May 30

Cool tool! And fun to check whether I remember the rules :) Two things I noticed: Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right. While technically that might be the correct translation, this sign tells you, that you are on the main road and have the right of way for the next crossroad and only the next crossroad. Usually (if no sign specifies otherwise) you have to give way to drivers coming from the right at every intersection, which can get a bit annoying in communal areas, so seeing this sign feels less like a warning and more like relief :). A Fahrradstraße is not a lane for cyclists but a street for cyclists, meaning the (whole!) street is intended predominantly for cyclists, who are then allowed to ride next to each other. Cars are allowed to drive there (unless another sign prohibits such), but have to adjust their speed to the cyclists. I believe they are not allowed to pass at all, even if the oncoming lane is empty.

@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - May 11

Soon I will drive there, training needed

2 0
@Unknown - May 11

Good work

@Unknown - May 08


@Unknown - May 06

Thank you...

@Unknown - May 03

No shot! New dog breed?

1 1
@Unknown - May 03

if u need help visit this website https://traffic-rules.com/en/france/comments

@Unknown - May 02

l bozo i hatw u u r bannes from doing this alsoimjealusudontknowany1

@Unknown - May 02

do u mew?

4 -1
@Unknown - May 02

this website is a simpy website i love this its fat and im in my mums basement rn help sui u r a mothr fker

@Unknown - May 02

Hi i am such fat fan of this great gaming website. Im so hangry for the cause mate! Liking the simps eating on yall tho nott gonna lie to ya!

@Unknown - May 01

Im from nepal and how can i get my truck driving licence in romania

1 -4
@Unknown - May 01

The system is now changed and they use some type of tablet for the exam now. Do anyone have the questions which they ask in the tablet because the questions are different. I still didn’t pass my provisional driving knowledge test. It would be great if someone could help

@Unknown - Apr 30

Really helpfull

@Unknown - Apr 25

Very helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really helpful

@Unknown - Apr 24

Really really helpful. thanks

@Unknown - Apr 24


@Unknown - Apr 22

Very helpful. Will done

