
Traffic signs

The traffic signs are located on the side or top of the road. They give directions on how we should behave on the road, so that the traffic can proceed safely and smoothly. Everyone must know the traffic signs!

Information signs

The information signs give you more information about the start (and end) of a kind of traffic situation.

Dead end street.Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.General information about the directions.Begin of a motorway.End of the motorway.Parking allowed.Route to be followed in order to turn left.Section control.National speed limits.
Dead end street.

Dead end street.

Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.

Detour for vehicles that are not allowed to pass.

General information about the directions.

General information about the directions.

Begin of a motorway.

Begin of a motorway.

End of the motorway.

End of the motorway.

Parking allowed.

Parking allowed.

Route to be followed in order to turn left.

Route to be followed in order to turn left.

Section control.

National speed limits.

National speed limits.