![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must turn left, other directions are not allowed. Turning left mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-ahead-turn-left.png)
Turning left mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must turn left or right, driving straight ahead is not allowed. Turning left or right mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-ahead-turn-left-right.png)
Turning left or right mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must turn right, other directions are not allowed. Turning right mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-ahead-turn-right.png)
Turning right mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must pass the traffic sign on the left. The traffic sign is used to mark obstructions, such as traffic islands or roadworks. Passing left mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-pass-left.png)
Passing left mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that drivers reach the same destination by proceeding either side of the sign. The traffic sign is used to mark obstructions such as traffic islands or roadworks. It’s used only on places where the traffic will merge again past the obstruction. Passing left or right mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-pass-left-right.png)
Passing left or right mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must pass the traffic sign on the right. The traffic sign is used to mark obstructions, such as traffic islands or roadworks. Passing right mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-pass-right.png)
Passing right mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must drive straight ahead or turn right. Turning left is not allowed. Driving straight ahead or turning right mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-directions-right-up.png)
Driving straight ahead or turning right mandatory.
![This sign indicates that all drivers must turn left, turning right is not allowed. Mandatory left.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-turn-left.png)
Mandatory left.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must turn right, turning left is not allowed. Mandatory right.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-turn-right.png)
Mandatory right.
![This traffic sign indicates that all drivers must drive straight ahead, turning left or right is not allowed. Driving straight ahead mandatory.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-direction-up.png)
Driving straight ahead mandatory.
![This traffic sign indicates the end of the divided path for pedestrians and cyclists. End of the divided path for pedestrians and cyclists.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-lane-dual-pedestrian-cyclist_end.png)
End of the divided path for pedestrians and cyclists.
![This traffic sign indicates the begin of a divided path for pedestrians and cyclists. Mandatory divided path for pedestrians and cyclists.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-lane-dual-pedestrian-cyclist_v1.png)
Mandatory divided path for pedestrians and cyclists.
![This traffic sign indicates the end of the minimum speed. End of the minimum speed.](/img/europe/hu/signs/mandatory/mandatory-speed-minimum_end.png)
End of the minimum speed.